Tomorrow we have our big denture practical. We get to rip the teeth out of the denture wax-up we have been working on for the last month and set up our teeth in a couple of hours. Fun times. I actually don't mind the waxing up as much as other people in my class. Granted, it is not my favorite thing to do [I would much rather be doing Endo (my new found love), or restorative or anything dental related other than pedo] but it is a nice break from all of the stress of finals looming. My lowest practical grade this semester was an 87 in Endo and I think a 90 in Restorative, so I am not too worried about tomorrow at all. Even if I bomb the practical, I should still be sitting well in that class.
Dang...I hear something softly whispering my name from across the room. And I have a sneaking suspicion that is my Oral Path stuff...
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