So, here it is, awhile since my last post (which was posted full of good intentions to keep posting), the night before my oral pathology test, and possibly the worst week I have had in dental school, and I am here posting. I think of all the time I have wasted the last month and a half, when I could of been keeping up on what has been going on in my life, and now is when I decide to post. But, it is Sunday, and after a day of church, a little scripture study, a little uplifting music, I am all inspired and ready to go with this. My new goal is to post everyday, no matter how little I write. I can find five minutes a day to do this....I think.
Tomorrow I have my Oral Pathology midterm. I don't know what to think about it. The information is straight forward, the notes are easy to understand, I have all the summary questions answered, BUT there is no back test. That always makes you feel wary, because you aren't quite sure what she thinks is important, and you don't get those five repeat questions that always make you feel good as you are taking the test.
After the Oral Path test, I am planning on rushing home on my wedding anniversary and kissing my wife, telling her that I love her, and then locking myself in a room to wrap my head around some Perio. My Perio mid-term is Tuesday and I have yet to even look at it. In fact, I just received and copied the notes twenty minutes ago. I feel bad about kind of ruining the wedding anniversary, but I have to do what I have to do....I hope. I can justify it by saying that a couple of crappy wedding anniversaries will pay off down the road when I can really afford (both monetarily and time-wise) to spoil her.
Well, it is 10:30 and I am just watching the minutes pass by, thinking that I could be sleeping, so I am off to bed to get my standard 4-5 hours of sleep, then up tomorrow morning for some last minute Oral Path cramming.
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