Saturday, February 23, 2008

Shooting at School

Today is Saturday, I am watching the Jazz game while my son is being used as workout weight by my wife, I decided to write up a little something. So much for my daily update, huh? Ha ha. Well, something interesting did happen to me this week. On Wednesday, in the subway station in front of the school police shot a suspect. A link to the story is found on It was pretty crazy. I actually didn't even know anything had happened until I was getting ready to go home for the day. I grabbed up my stuff after a wonderful afternoon in our "special session" denture course (total waste of time...okay, not total, just not exactly organized to produce maximal efficiency) and headed down the stairs out the door and was greeted by pandalerium (as jeff foxworthy would say). There were cops everywhere, tv crews were everywhere, and there was nowhere for me to go to get home. I called the wife, and she was able to turn on the tv and internet to find out what was going on.

Apparently, two undercover cops found a guy smoking in between cars on the subway. They removed him from the subway, when he started to fight them, ran away, then for some strange, dumb reason, decided to turn around and pull a gun on the cops. So, the cops (as any cop would) shot him. What that meant for me was nothing more than a headache. Don't get me wrong, it is a sad commentary on the state of Philadelphia, that someone smoking on the subway would lead to gun shots being fired, but I guess you tend to get desensitized by this stuff. That might be part of the reason why this kind of behavior is so common here. It happens so much, that it isn't really news anymore. It is just a headache.

Anyways, I had to cram onto a way too crowded bus, wait half an hour while the bus driver tried to explain that when he said "no stops from here to Girard street" actually meant he wasn't going to stop.

Every person that came up to the bus: "Do you stop at XXXXXX St?"

Driver: "No, only Girard"

Next person: "So, do you stop here?"

Driver: "No, only Girard"

And so on. I came home and talked with the wife about buying a car, or bringing out the old "green" car (a 1994 Toyota Tercel) from Utah, and so on. But I think we have decided to risk life and limb to save the $15,000 a car would cost us over the next two and a half years and continue to take the subway. I even tempted the wife with a new Jeep Liberty, but she didn't budge (which is probably a good thing; if she gave into me, we would probably be one million bucks in the hole, with her around, we can keep it in the hundreds of thousands).

Well, the wife just brought the son by, and he has his sleepy eyes and still needs a bath, so I am off for the night.


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