Tuesday, October 30, 2007

October 30, 2007 - Halloween Eve!

Okay, so it has been awhile since I last posted, and I need to get this thing updated, and I am sick of studying for my Micro test tomorrow that historically has failed most of the class, so here I am. I noticed signing in here, that my last post talked about the 9-11 bridge practical we had 2 Fridays ago. We got the results back the following Tuesday and I got good news and bad news. I did both of the preps in 45 minutes, and as I thought, my 11 was perfect (no checks, woohoo!) and my 9 failed. That bummed me out. That was my first non-A practical this semester, and it always sucks to fail a practical, especially a prep as easy as 9. Oh well, there are some silver linings in that practical. I talked to my teacher and although 9 was clinically acceptable, it sucked as a practical tooth. At least my speed is going well, and if I would of just angled my bur a little buccally, I would of had two beautiful preps. So, with all of that, life has been good. My kid is also due any day now. My wife is hoping that he isn't born tomorrow, because she wants to be home for trick-or-treating, doesn't want him born on Halloween, and wants to paint her belly as a pumpkin. Ha ha. Happy Haunting!

1 comment:

D said...

hey I saw the link to your blog on SDN...what year are you? My husband's in dental school at UF, 2nd year. Good luck with everything!